Our lectures are held at Newington Village Hall, near Sittingbourne, Kent, ME9 7JJ
Tickets cost £7 for members and £8 for guests
An extra charge of £1 is levied on tickets bought on the day
Lectures start at 2.30pm to approx 4.30pm, refreshments are provided
2024 lectures
Saturday 9th March, hosted by Chris Naunton
The perfect tomb for a 'King of Thebes', Hawrwa, Montuemhat and Padiamunope
Saturday 11th May, hosted by Chris Elliot
The lighthouse, the laser and the stone
Saturday 15th June, hosted by Prof Aidan Dodson
The modern rediscovery of Thutmose III and Hatshepsut
Before the lecture society AGM
Saturday 13th July, hosted by Suzanne Bojtos
Deir el Medina - An artists community in Ancient Egypt
Saturday October 5th, hosted by Dr Ada Nifosi
Dr Nifosi, from the University of Kent will be giving a talk on Ancient Egyptian toys and board games
If you would like to book a lecture or require further information please contact